Heidi Skolnik, PhD, MA – Research Analyst

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Heidi Skolnik, PhD, MA



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Heidi Skolnik, PhD, MA

1222 Preservation Park Way
Oakland, California 94612

Heidi Skolnik joined the Samuels Center in 2014 as a Research Analyst. She leads the analytical aspects of various Samuels Center projects, and is involved in planning and implementing evaluations for clients. Heidi is a health psychologist with specialties in the social ecology of health and health promotion among diverse populations. Since 2000, Heidi has designed and completed evaluations and other applied research across a broad range of topics in health and education, ranging from short-term local initiatives to multi-year national programs.

Across her various positions, Heidi has:

  • Designed the evaluation of a national initiative to develop educational technology tools that address the needs of academically underprepared college students
  • Evaluated a state-funded effort to promote the use of CalFresh supplemental nutrition benefits at farmers’ markets
  • Evaluated a health care quality improvement initiative at a large academic medical center
  • Provided technical assistance to federal grantees, advising them on ways to strengthen quasi-experimental evaluation designs
  • Led the analysis of data collected for a nationwide study of school improvement efforts mandated by federal education policy
  • As a post-doctoral fellow with the San Francisco Department of Public Health, developed trainings for health professionals on the application of social and behavioral theory in the design and evaluation of prevention efforts
  • Designed several studies to examine associations between social relationships and health.

Heidi has a special interest in the relationship between agriculture and our nation’s health, a longstanding passion dating back to her first career as an owner-operator of a small business that distributed sustainably-grown fruits and vegetables and forged relationships between farmers and consumers.

Heidi has taught Biostatistics to students in the Masters in Public Health program at San Francisco State University, as well as a course in Quantitative Reasoning to Psychology undergraduates there. She completed the doctorate in Health Psychology and a Masters’ in Social Ecology (with an emphasis in program evaluation) both from the University of California Irvine. Nearly-native to California, she loves the outdoors, growing flowers, biking, reading, animals, dancing, art museums, and old buildings.

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